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Terms and services

As a commissioner, it's your responsability to read and make sure you understand everything written in the terms of services. When a commissionner request an artwork from me, it is automatically concidered that they have red and understood all terms and services, any rules regarding payment, refunds, commission rules and commission prices.




☆General ☆


☆By commissioning me you agree to


  • Be polite and patient while communicating with me


  • Follow all rules stated on this site regarding commissions and terms of services


  • Let me use the artworks I made for you as personnal advertisement (unless you specifically ask me not to beforehand)


  • Always crediting me when reposting the artworks


☆You cannot


  • Claim any of my artworks as yours or refuse to give me credit


  • Remove any watermarks and signatures


  • Use any of the artworks for commercial reasons and make profit out of them


  • Ask for a refund once the artworks have been completed




All payments has to be made though Paypal using either euros or us dollars.


All payments must be either full upfront or half upfront and half at the end. If a payment is made half upfront then a watermark will be left on the drawing until full payment.


☆Canceling and refunds☆


I have the right to cancel and refund the money for your commission at any time.


You have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after payments have been received.


If the money has not been sent yet the commissioner has the right to cancel the commission.



If you file a chargeback against me or break any rule stated in the terms of services, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and I have the right to sell the copyrighted artwork to new buyers.


You will forbidden to ever commission me, Lumi/Lemonade, ever again.

Your name will be publicly posted everywhere as I want others to watch out for it.


I also have every right to file a complaint and I have all the right to the money you have given me.



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